Youth Glide NZ
The Taupo Gliding Club support Youth Glide NZ
Youth Glide New Zealand (YGNZ) is a not-for-profit organisation who provide Under 25’s (youth) with education, tuition and training in all relevant skills necessary for gliding in New Zealand. YGNZ also act as an advocate for youth pilots in NZ.
YGNZ attains this goal by running a Youth Soaring Development Camp (the camp) at Omarama each December since 2010. The camp caters for pre / early solo, pre Qualified Glider Pilot’s Licence (QGP – akin to a Private Pilot’s Licence) and post QGP pilots.
The YSDC is an excellent way for young glider pilots, with various flying experience, to make a tremendous improvement in their soaring and general gliding ability.
YGNZ members gain motivation and confidence from learning to fly.